f "A Secret Best Not Kept" / Say It Out Loud Productions
A Secret Best Not Kept
A documentary film produced by Dara Berger that takes a close look at everyone touched by suicide, depression and loss.

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Dara Berger stands at her mothers grave, eighteen years after she committed suicide. She tells of the pain immediately following her death and the effect it still has on her to this day.
Windows Media Player: View Clip Macintosh Quicktime: View Clip
Susan Blauner and Scott Duarte speak openly about the painful feelings which drove them to make suicide attempts and what ultimately saved each of them.
Windows Media Player: View Clip Macintosh Quicktime: View Clip
Out of the Darkness
Thousands of people walk 28 miles through the night from Fairfax, VA to Washington, DC in honor of those lost to suicide and thos who struggle with depression. ($1 million raised for suicide prevention and research)
Windows Media Player: View Clip Macintosh Quicktime: View Clip